Go about your day in confidence, believing you are who God says you are. God has declared that you are brave, favored, worthy, loved, smart, strong, and creative. You are these things and more because you were made in His image. No one can make you believe otherwise. No one can strip that away from you—unless you let them. Most of us don't like adversity, especially when someone is trying to convince us that we're something that we're not. But the truth is that coming up against people who try to confuse our identity, can actually strengthen us. Let me tell you a story. Recently, I was confronted by someone who was convinced that my inability to do a certain task was due to some deep wound inflicted upon me as a child. To say I was taken back would be an understatement. Not only was this person convinced of this, they believed it was their job to walk me through inner healing. Okay, I'm all for inner healing, but I knew — at least I thought I knew, that t...

Come with me on a journey of discovery into the heart of God.