A Post About Me Being Me And What it's Like to Become an Author I haven't written in this blog in almost a year. Why? Because I've been working my lil' tooshie off to become a published author. (or not so lil' tooshie anymore—due to countless hours of sitting and writing. sigh.) When I set out to become an author, people came out of the woodwork to tell me how hard it is. I ignored them. (They were right, but I still ignored them.) My first published work will be a devotional that I co-authored with Brian Simmons (author/translator of The Passion Translation Bible). I had no intention of writing a devotional. It was one of those God things—it literally fell in my lap. What was it like? It was a dream come true! It was also incredibly hard and beautifully satisfying. I literally spent the entire summer locked away alone, pouring my heart into the book. If you want to get a glimpse of what's been tucked away inside of me, buy the book! But don'...

Come with me on a journey of discovery into the heart of God.