I get it. We all have those days. The days when the world feels more than tilted, it feels like someone picked it up and hurled it into a wall! When you're digging your nails (if you didn't bite them off) into any semblance of what "happy yesterday" looked like. Felt like. That's when it gets tricky. When you try to wring joy out of yesterday's memory, as if God were more present then. God is in the now. Sure you felt Him when things were great. We all do. That's the easy part. But what about today? What about this moment when pain and disappointment sit like a heavy weight upon your soul? How do you find Him now? You find Him in a different way. You don't look for Him to pull you into your breakthrough, although He will. You find Him with His arms wrapped around you. Caring for you in your pain. Loving you. Drawing you into Himself. Into His strength. Into this precise moment. Not into the future and not into the past. He is your ever-present h...

Come with me on a journey of discovery into the heart of God.