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The Breath of God

This morning the Lord spoke to me about His breath. I pray that His words, which settled so sweetly upon my heart will bless you: "I am the breath that steadies the heartbeat of your life. I am the the breath that sustains you. My breath lifts you above the littered terrain that causes you to stumble, when you live in the lowly state of unbelief and fear.  Rest now. All ow M e to take control. T he breath of M y Spirit will direct your life, propel you forward, and guide your steps. Let go of everything that is cluttering your mind and invite My cleansing breath to blow away the thoughts that don't agree with My Word.  Trust Me. Let your words and your thoughts agree with Mine. You will see My breath come with the strength of a hurricane to clear away all that is not of My Spirit. I am with you. I am working on your behalf. I love you. Only believe."
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