To be ravished by His love is an honor too few have experienced. Fewer live in this proximity to God on a daily basis. I love the words to a song I heard today, sung by Steffany Frizzell:
"Your love has ravished my heart and taken me over, taken me over. And all I want is to be with You forever, with You forever. So pull me a little closer, take me a little deeper, I want to know Your heart, I want to know Your heart. Cause your love is so much sweeter than anything I've tasted, I want to know Your heart."
I've been praying a great deal recently for Wisdom. (see Proverbs 2:2-5) There was something that resonated within me that if we can stay tapped into His Wisdom, everything else in our lives will fall into place. We have the mind of Christ, yet we don't engage it to the point that all of our thoughts are consumed by His.

Today I saw it so clearly: Many times we pray for Wisdom, or even for His presence to come and we imagine it as if we are on the outside, wanting Him to pour this great big barrel of Himself all over us. In truth, this isn't what we (or the Lord) wants at all.
It's about going into the Lord Himself. Imagine swimming deep under the ocean waters, completely immersed, as opposed to having a barrel of water being dumped over us. We must literally go into His Wisdom, deeply immersed in His presence and become one with Him - just as He has created us to be. (see 1 Corinthians 6:17)
As we abide IN Him and He abides IN us, we become so saturated with Him, that His Wisdom will begin to flood our entire beings. This is why this song reverberated so strongly within me today. We want to be pulled closer and to go deeper into the Lord, finding that in this place we will know His heart. (I understand that we are already one with the Lord, that He is in us, etc., but experientially it isn't always the case. It is our aim, to become more and more aware of the oneness that we have with the Lord.)
I love the way Mark 11:24 is written in the 21st Century King James Version: "Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." The emphasis is that when we are praying, there will be desires coming up out of our hearts, as a result of our nearness to the Lord's presence. When we begin to desire things in the place of His presence, we are sensing His Wisdom. Placing ourselves into agreement with these desires that stir within us brings us into agreement with His Wisdom and as a result - we will have those things we ask for.
This is why it isn't enough to pace back and forth, praying, warring, etc., when we need answers to prayer. We must dive into His presence, drown in His love and allow ourselves to become one with the Lord and ABSORB His Wisdom, allowing our hearts to be infused with His.
If you'd like to worship with the song I mentioned, go here:
If you'd like to worship with the song I mentioned, go here:
"One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple." (Psalm 27:4 -Amplified Version)
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