Today's blog may be a bit different than my usual, but I pray my candid pondering will encourage you! The other day I was told that a friend of mine met someone who read my blog (whom I have never met) and how the Lord ministered to her through it. Hearing about the situation made my day! It is one thing to journey through life's trials and triumphs with the Lord, but it's entirely different when we go beyond ourselves and minister the revelations we've received to others. I've found that many times I don't realize how much I have learned in a particular season until I use the truths I've "owned" to minister life and encouragement to others. When I say "owned", I am referring to when we go past head knowledge of the Word and experience it for ourselves. (See "Experiencing the Word", blog below) It's like we get tunnel vision in the midst of the things we go through and though we are doing our best to keep our hearts and m...

Come with me on a journey of discovery into the heart of God.