At the close of the year, whether it was a tough year or an amazing one, most people begin to hope. We look at the approaching year as a clean slate, a motivation to believe in ourselves and allow ourselves to dream again. So many make quiet promises that in all of the ways they let the year go by with unfulfilled goals, the new year will be a year of focus and commitment. Stirring themselves up, they decide to believe that anything is possible and lists of hopes and dreams are rewritten. I too have felt a great excitement about next year since November! However, this morning the Lord prompted me saying, "I am the eternal now." And, "I am enough." Because Jesus is The eternal now , and He is enough , each morning is our clean slate and the start of each day is our chance to refocus and stir ourselves up. He is the eternal now , ready to create hope in those who feel hopeless and revealing the passion inside of us that is able to move us to greater things. He is...

Come with me on a journey of discovery into the heart of God.