Here we go! If there is one subject that is my absolute favorite, it's worship! For me, more than any other place of encountering the Lord, worship is not only the easiest and quickest route, but it is the most intense place I encounter Him. By worship I mean a time when music is on and songs of love are pouring out of our heart and song; probably some dancing happening as well! Worship is a huge part of my identity; it probably is for you as well! I was reminded again today how important worship is to my life and how I honestly don't feel "normal" if I haven't had good worship time with the Lord. (For the record, worship doesn't always have to be with music. Even as I write this, my heart is yearning, longing for Him; pulling Him closer just because He is on my heart and mind. I can barely write as I can feel His nearness. Worship is so much more than a song, but I'm choosing the one facet of song just for today!)
There is something about worship that goes deeper than any other place. Worship takes us past the place of distraction, even when there are multitudes around us, and we bring Him love. Just love. His love moves our hearts and our love moves His heart. Take a moment right now - take a deep breath and close your eyes and imagine Him sitting right there with you and tell Him how much you love Him. Just focus on Him and expect that love to be reciprocated! Ah! The more we love Him and pour out our love, the more it increases! Sometimes it can be so intense we wonder if we can possibly contain more - but we can.
The place of love is the place where fear, anger, pride, and so many other fleshly things disappear. My Pastor, Bill Johnson, reminded us today of that old song, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." He talked about when we choose to focus on His face, His beauty, how all the things of earth grow dim. That is SO true!
The possibilities in worship are deeper than we can imagine. No matter how close to the Lord we have come, there is always a closer place. We have to be careful that we don't become comfortable with the levels of worship we have experienced. There is more - always more! I'm looking for the face to face encounters. I'm looking at Him, I'm loving Him, but I'm anticipating it to get deeper every time. Our worship goes into the Holiest of all places, straight to Him, accepted by Him, enjoyed by Him.

Here is what the Lord is saying to you:
"You have ravished My heart. You have inflamed My being My beloved one, My equal, My bride. I am undone by your love. Merely a glance from your worshipping eyes and you have stolen My heart. Just gazing into your heart, joined to mine, and I am overcome! Conquered! Ravished! Held hostage by your love!"
Song of Solomon 4:9 The Passion Translation
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