I'm so excited to have my amazing friend
Rachel blogging for us today! She is one the most passionate people I know;
beautiful inside and out, an incredibly anointed dancer, and an equally gifted
writer. See for yourself! You can find Rachel's webpage at: www.rachelelizabeth.org
Sealed in Jesus, by
Rachel Koszka
at what the cross really accomplished has consumed me. I've discovered that
everything changed in Christ's perfect act of love two thousand year ago.
Since the dawn of time, Jesus has longed for reunion. Creation echoes the
mystical reality that my spirit is seated in heavenly places with Christ, our
union of love beyond the borders of time and space. I have always been known by
Him. God tells Jeremiah that before he was formed in the womb he was known.
When Adam and Eve believed they were different from God, not already created in
His image and likeness, shame and separation became their new reality. Our
glory was contained in skin, so Jesus presented Himself to the earth, the
fullness of God's glory dwelling in man. From the tree, Jesus reached towards
us and erased the reach of Eve. He drew us home.
Like a man who asks the woman he adores to spend the rest of her days with him,
Jesus has already invited us into eternal opportunity. Except, the rest of our
days will last forever; death cannot conclude our union with Christ. Love
became a guarantee when Jesus reached from the cross for my hand in marriage.
Saying yes to Jesus and slipping His signet ring on my finger, allows love to
be perfected. Our relationship is proof that His choice to reconcile was
worth everything, even death. My responsibility has never been to woo or
impress Jesus; simply saying yes and receiving the finished work of the cross
is enough.

Eternally press Me on your spirit, like a wax seal left from the imprint of a
signet ring. Print Me on your arm forever; tattooed commitment. Our love is
stronger than separation, desire dramatic as death. Our love is The End itself
- final breath and warmth of life. Our love is like a lightning bolt; it sparks
a supernatural fire when displayed. The very flame of God, is contained in our
Paraphrased from Song of Solomon 8:6
Any healthy marriage thrives on grace. Our entire experience of God has only
ever been fully infused with the reality of His grace towards us. Relationship
should never be founded on conditions and rewards; genuine relationship flows
from the gift of grace. A
good husband will always go above and beyond for the desires of his wife,
because her perfect joy is his favourite thing.
Have we convinced ourselves it could be any different with Jesus? He believes
in my innocence, He was the one to win it back! Why else would He sing,
"It is finished." Simply believing what Jesus already believes about
me, allows me to see that righteousness has been perfected.
God confirms love by placing us in Christ, anointing us just like Jesus was
anointed. If this isn't enough to convince you, He even sealed the deal by
giving a written promise, like a letter carefully sealed. His spirit in our
hearts is a pledge, a testimony that He will always follow through on His
promise. Jesus will come back and marry you, because He is who He professes to
be: the most faithful Man alive. Paraphrased from 2 Corinthians
In some ways, the church is like a wife attempting to convince her husband that
he isn't already madly in love with her. The bride must wake up to the reality
of her status: we are one with Christ.
He has redeemed innocence and reconciled us to the eden that is eternity
found in Him. Our dwelling place is with God; His dwelling place is in us.
Welcome home.
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