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Showing posts from January, 2017

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It is time for YOUR victory!

I saw a fiery blue flame resting on our hearts. It was burning with faith and power, stirring our resolve. Beneath it, flowed a stream of peace melting into the deepest caverns of fear and unbelief. Then I heard the Lord say, "Declare your victory! Stand in confidence and shake off the dirty rags of doubt. You are more than a conqueror! I created you for victory! You have the power to change things! Drench your soul, not with thoughts of what has gone wrong or what could go wrong, but with anticipation of good. See with the eyes of faith I've given you! Put My Words on your lips and believe in their power! Agree with My Word and put an end to doubt. "My passion for you is both a fire and a river. Able to burn away what contradicts Kingdom truth, while bringing peace that surpasses understanding. Soak your heart in the rivers of My love and invite My fire to go deeper than it has before. Let it consume your heart until My passion annihilates wrong mindsets. It ...

Fall Deeper and Silence Those Thoughts

This morning, as I was getting gloriously "sucked" into that place of worship where nothing else matters, I felt the Lord speaking to my heart: "This is the place I have created you for. The invitation for peace and total release from stress, is always available. There is only one reason why you have days when you can't seem to shake the relentless thoughts—it's because you haven't gone far enough into love. Fall deeper, past the shackles of this world that bind you to the cares and concerns that plague you, into My arms. Become so focused on Me, so filled with My love that all fears, insecurities, questions, and frustrations, cannot be found. My love is powerful enough to drown them all, but you must let Me. Only you can choose how much you will release to Me. Only you can decide how far into My presence you will go. I will never block the way. Trust Me. Come closer."

Enough is Enough!

This morning I felt a rumble in my spirit—like thunderous clouds announcing the coming lightning. The image of God rising from His throne and planting His feet forcefully on the ground ran through my mind. The Father was about to address the chaos. In my spirit I heard these words, "Enough is enough! Declare the victory! Stand firmly with your feet planted in My truth. In faith and boldness, declare My promises over your situation. But once you have done that, REJOICE! Stop looking at what you see with your natural eyes and see with the eyes of faith. Truly believe that every plan of the enemy is not only going to be crushed, but that I will flip things around and bring the opposite result.  Laugh! Allow joy to spring up within you. I truly am a good God! Let faith fill your vision and overtake every fear, discouragement, and anxious thought. Fill your spirit and your mind with what you know to be true according to My Word. Shake off the heaviness of this last season. My vict...

The Breath of God

This morning the Lord spoke to me about His breath. I pray that His words, which settled so sweetly upon my heart will bless you: "I am the breath that steadies the heartbeat of your life. I am the the breath that sustains you. My breath lifts you above the littered terrain that causes you to stumble, when you live in the lowly state of unbelief and fear.  Rest now. All ow M e to take control. T he breath of M y Spirit will direct your life, propel you forward, and guide your steps. Let go of everything that is cluttering your mind and invite My cleansing breath to blow away the thoughts that don't agree with My Word.  Trust Me. Let your words and your thoughts agree with Mine. You will see My breath come with the strength of a hurricane to clear away all that is not of My Spirit. I am with you. I am working on your behalf. I love you. Only believe."

Don't Look Back!

This morning I heard the Lord say,  "Don't look behind you to see what was. Turn your eyes with expectation to what lies ahead. With each step forward, pave the road before you with words of faith and declaration. Let words of fear, doubt, and disappointment be left behind—otherwise they fall from your lips like quicksand upon a path that is meant to be paved with golden truth. With your eyes upon Me and your faith in line with My promises, I will lead you forward. Trust Me. Release the past. I love you and I hold the answers that you need."