In my spirit I heard these words, "Enough is enough! Declare the victory! Stand firmly with your feet planted in My truth. In faith and boldness, declare My promises over your situation. But once you have done that, REJOICE! Stop looking at what you see with your natural eyes and see with the eyes of faith. Truly believe that every plan of the enemy is not only going to be crushed, but that I will flip things around and bring the opposite result.
Laugh! Allow joy to spring up within you. I truly am a good God! Let faith fill your vision and overtake every fear, discouragement, and anxious thought. Fill your spirit and your mind with what you know to be true according to My Word. Shake off the heaviness of this last season. My victory is at hand. As you wait to see the manifestation of the answer, continue to rejoice, because as soon as you agree with Me and completely trust and believe, everything will change."
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