get my footing. I had no time to focus on either side, because I would immediately be jerked to the other. This is a good picture of how I've been feeling.
I wasn't going to write about this, but when two other friends within a few days of each other, told me they were going through the same thing, I decided that being vulnerable and sharing what the Lord is teaching me, would be appropriate. Emotionally, times like this can wear us down. Going from the highest "high" to the lowest low from day to day, even hour to hour, can be exhausting! So how do we overcome?
The Lord so graciously showed me how to get through this season. As I was being tossed around, I simply relaxed and focused my gaze upon Him. Suddenly, I wasn't being jerked around, I was balanced and stable in Him. This great shaking continued, but now I was postured to see and hear how to pray over each condition. Grace poured over me, as I was well aware of what was happening, but looked with faith into the eyes of the One who holds the answers.
Although I could write another couple of paragraphs, detailing what this might look like on a practical level and how to walk this out, I won't. I simply wanted to present you with the Lord's viewpoint and to encourage you (and myself) ~ good things are on the horizon and this shaking will not only refocus us, but end in victory!
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