If you are having a hard time understanding how to "carry Him in your heart," or to "maintain awareness of Him," let me explain. Imagine working a semi-difficult math problem, all of your thoughts and focus would go towards solving it. Though math would become your focus, it wouldn't touch you or change you in any way. Now think of someone you love- a son, daughter, parent, or spouse, and a time of closeness (whether it was an embrace, conversation, etc.) that is forever etched in your memory -something that touched you very deeply in a good way. If you allowed yourself to mentally go back and re-live that beautiful time, it too would take all of your thought and focus. HOWEVER, it would go beyond mental awareness, it would create a sensation deep inside of you, of contentment, peace, joy, bliss, etc. You could actually wash dishes, work, etc., and still savor the awareness, the sensations, created within you. You would be able to interact, almost swim in overwhelming consciousness of what you were experiencing.
We can try to be aware of the Lord only through our mind, not be moved, and find it difficult to remain there. OR, we can gently begin with focusing our mind and then going beyond it. We then tap into the deeper awareness of His love and nearness that consumes our entire being just like the example I gave. Living in the continual bliss of His presence is just like this! It isn't an effort of always thinking mentally of Him, but just resting in Him and sensing His presence. You don't have to pray, you have BECOME a prayer. You have realized your ONENESS with the Lord!!
Wow, I'm totally undone writing this! I guess this is the next important thing - when you sense His presence deeply, respond and it will increase. So, that is what I'm going to do now; worship Him, dance with Him and yield to this deep pull of His love.
I pray you sense His love for you in this blog and are drawn away with Him!
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