For Christmas my husband and daughters bought me a Jesus bobble-head! I saw a picture of it online and got hit HARD by the joy of the Lord, laughing all by myself w/ tears streaming down my face. I decided that day, it was the only thing I wanted for Christmas.
Today I was eating some pumpkin pie, (Smothered with ice-cream and whipped cream, in case you were wondering!) w/ "bobble-head" Jesus (Apparently, He likes Pumpkin Pie because He was giving me the thumbs up) and pondering His nearness when I read Revelations 3:20, in about 10 versions; they all say the same basic thing:
"Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you." (Message version)

I couldn't help but get excited! I have heard that Jesus came and ate with Bob Jones one day, but I never really took this scripture literally I guess. Silly me! Now I'm going to press in for Jesus to come and eat with me. It's a good thing He already knows I am not a good cook!
Hmmm...maybe I'll just make Him a cup of tea ...LITERALLY one day when I'm home alone. Yes, home alone, because I will be pretty undone when it happens!
What are the things YOU are believing for as we enter into the New Year? I know we all talk about breakthrough, financial blessings, blessings on our families, ministries, etc...but I mean what are you SPIRITUAL desires? I would love to hear from you! Please leave me a comment here on the blog and tell me a little about YOUR journey!
(Yes, a little humor in today's blog. Don't let religion EVER make you believe Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor!)
(Yes, a little humor in today's blog. Don't let religion EVER make you believe Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor!)
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